Supernus Boosts Therapy Portfolio With Finalized Buyout of Adamas

Supernus Pharmaceuticals’ portfolio of Parkinson’s disease therapies now includes Gocovri (amantadine) and Osmolex ER (amantadine hydrochloride), with the company’s acquisition of Adamas Pharmaceuticals now complete. “Adamas fits squarely within our corporate development strategy, adding a late-stage commercial product with significant revenue,” Jack Khattar, president and CEO of Supernus…

Supernus to Acquire Adamas and Its Therapies, Gocovri and Osmolex ER

Two established Parkinson’s disease (PD) treatments — Gocovri (amantadine) and Osmolex ER (amantadine hydrochloride) — will move to Supernus’ Pharmaceuticals when it completes an agreement now in place for it to acquire Adamas Pharmaceutical. The $450 million agreement — $50 million of which is contingent upon certain…

Adamas Aquires Global Rights to Osmolex ER for Motor Symptoms

Adamas Pharmaceuticals has acquired global rights to the Parkinson’s disease medication Osmolex ER (amantadine hydrochloride), used to treat motor symptoms, including those caused by other therapies. The purchase, worth $7.5 million, was part of a settlement agreement with the medicine’s developer, Osmotica Pharmaceutical US, according to a…

FDA Approves Osmolex, by Osmotica, to Treat Movement Problems in Parkinson’s and Other Adults

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Osmolex ER (amantadine, extended release) to treat both Parkinson’s disease and therapy-induced extrapyramidal reactions in adults, or the movement and muscle-control problems that typify this disease and can be side effects of common medications. Osmodex ER, developed and marketed by Osmotica Pharmaceutical,…