$5M NIH grant will advance study of how brain regulates movement

A five-year project funded by a $5 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) research grant will study how the brain regulates movements, by allowing people with Parkinson’s disease to play video games during brain surgeries. The goal, according to researchers, is to obtain information that can be applied to…

Sensor-Based Gait Analysis Can Enhance Individualized Evaluation of Parkinson’s Patients, Study Suggests

Use of sensor-based methods to evaluate gait can improve individual assessments of Parkinson’s disease patients who are undergoing dopaminergic treatment, researchers suggest. The study with that finding, “Sensor-based gait analysis of individualized improvement during apomorphine titration in Parkinson’s disease,” was published in the Journal of Neurology.

Scientists Unraveling How Movement is Translated Into Desired Action

The findings of a Harvard University study are furthering understanding of the mechanisms involved in movement disorders and may open new therapeutic opportunities to treat Parkinson’s disease. The mouse study, “The Striatum Organizes 3D Behavior via Moment-to-Moment Action Selection,” was published in the journal Cell. The brain relies…