• Elspeth Watt

    October 27, 2022 at 2:13 pm

    my husband uses many of the above mentioned remedies – stool softeners 3 times a day, magnesium & a brew for breakfast of apples cooked with prunes with bran added – this is very nice and used reguarily works very well. He also always has on hand kiwicrush – which is a frozen sachet of kiwifruit with added pineapple, lemon and spirulina – may not be available out of New Zealand? it is especially formulated for bowel issues. But he still has issues if his diet varies – family get togethers/christmas etc – and then uses a pump system he has which pumps water into the bowel – works quickly and very effectively. He used to go and have it done by a bowel therapist Dr/physio, but now has his own – bought from somewhere like AliExpress! & it is very simple to use. He also uses the Symbyx laser on his bowel 3 times a week – this definitely helps the bowel to be more normal.

  • Susan Watkins

    October 27, 2022 at 2:24 pm

    I work with a Nutritionist and she recommended bitters. Slice a lemon in quarters and in about 4 ounces of water either warm or cold drink before or after meals. It increases saliva production which increases the breakdown of your food and easier to digest and pass. Also hydration and exercise is clutch, along with physical therapy and stretching.

  • Peter Graham

    October 27, 2022 at 5:04 pm

    I think diet is the solution – it is for me – less meat more veggies (colours) but importantly – the right fibre (water soluble). I find starting the day with a nice muesli (with plenty of dried fruits.nuts) PLUS a teaspoon of Psyllium Husk (water soluble fibre) topped with 4 prunes and a good organic (no sugar) yogurt. Try using natural kombucha instead of milk (good gut health). This keeps me daily – if I vary then I miss a day.Good luck.

  • Irene

    October 28, 2022 at 6:27 pm

    At bedtime I take either one Magnesium Citrate 500mg or one tablet of Cleanse More made by Renew Life.  I alternate them each evening.

  • Beth T Browne

    November 1, 2022 at 9:15 pm

    I had constipation problems,but do not now. I am on Juice Plus gummies (but they have pills). I take 2 of the fruit and 2 of the vegetables daily. They were initially made by a doctor and are not sold in stores. I have been on them for three yrs and I am so grateful they have helped.

  • Kim

    November 4, 2022 at 5:41 am

    I have been struggling with it for years even before my PD diagnosis. It’s the reason I had an early colonoscopy (normal). I have tried miralax too but still felt the uncomfortable bloating. I now take motegrity which greatly helps my bloated feeling but I still suffer from the lack of an urge “to go.”  I find the only relief is some kind of stimulant laxative (once a week or so). I am lucky to have great doctors and I have a GI doctor who specializes in neurological GI disorders. I think we are all different and have to find what works for us. Also, what works initially won’t, unfortunately, work forever I have found. Good luck!

  • Diane Tunis

    November 5, 2022 at 1:24 pm

    Every other day Miralex in sugar free Gatorade….lots of fruits, berries, raisins, veggies, nuts. No alcohol. Seems to work for the most part. Always some new daily challenge when you have PD !!!!


  • Gerald McCarty

    November 8, 2022 at 4:00 pm

    I recently (~4 months ago) added ground flax seed (~1 Tbsp) to my overnight oats and constipation disappeared.  I’ve actually been able to cut back to using it every other day.

    Good luck,


  • Beth T Browne

    November 8, 2022 at 8:47 pm

    I conquered constipation when my daughter got me on Juice Plus. It is veggies and fruit,which I needed anyway,as I don’t eat well due to Los of taste.

    She went to a training class with Dr. Sears, a retired, well known doctor who invented Juice Plus a while back. They work well and keep me daily.

    If you want more info, let me know and I will send you info how to get in touch for more info. Our entire family, my son and his wife, grandson, etc. and friends take them. Aside from helping with constipation, you are getting veggie and fruit you may need. They come in pill or gummie from.

  • Beth T Browne

    November 8, 2022 at 8:47 pm

    I conquered constipation when my daughter got me on Juice Plus. It is veggies and fruit,which I needed anyway,as I don’t eat well due to Los of taste.

    She went to a training class with Dr. Sears, a retired, well known doctor who invented Juice Plus a while back. They work well and keep me daily.

    If you want more info, let me know and I will send you info how to get in touch for more info. Our entire family, my son and his wife, grandson, etc. and friends take them. Aside from helping with constipation, you are getting veggie and fruit you may need. They come in pill or gummie from.

  • Laurie

    November 10, 2022 at 5:36 am

    My neurologist gave me this recipe that is totally natural and works like a charm:

    prune juice, applesauce, bran or flax seed

    mix in equal amounts or to your taste – you can play with the amounts

    take twice a day

    After a lifetime of constipation this is the only remedy that’s worked!

  • Robert

    November 10, 2022 at 9:44 am

    I suffered with constipation for many years before I was diagnosed with PD. Now I take two pouches of Macrogol (as Laxido) every morning and one pouch every other night together with two 7.5MG tablets of CenLax (calcium sennosides) every night. This has helped a little but what has really helped has been a lunch of mixed fruit every day and salad dressed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar at night. I have also tried to up my fluid intake which I find surprisingly difficult.

  • Dave

    November 10, 2022 at 9:36 pm

    I’ve had issues with chronic constipation for at least the last 15-20 years. Once I was diagnosed with PD, it got even worse.

    My GI doc has prescribed both Trulance and Motegrity for me. These were effective for about a week. I have to supplement with stool softeners 4 times a day as well as metamucil/and or my MDS’s recipe of 1 cup bran, 1 cup applesauce and 1 cup of prune juice. 1/2 cup in the morning and 1/2 cup at dinner. It helps but it takes a lot of pushing.

  • ita

    November 11, 2022 at 1:00 pm

    How do I  deal with constipation ?   First hydrate, be aware of fluids, diet , what foods are binding, which foods help  in keeping me moving.  Manual massage of my lower abdomen. On occasion glycerin  suppositories &  exercise

  • Elaine Lucas

    April 13, 2023 at 1:22 pm

    My husband suffered dreadfully with constipation and we gleaned this over time.. Each morning put three kiwi fruit in a bowl (pealed if necessary) some blueberries, a tablespoon of chia seeds and some yogurt. There is something in kiwi fruit that encourages the bowels to work. It works a great. If you can leave the skins on it’s more fibre. Drink plenty of water after.

  • Kathy Bloomberg-Rissman

    April 13, 2023 at 2:24 pm

    I’m so glad some of you have found things that work.  I had constipation for 50 years.  I’ve found somethings that have worked for a short time and then stopped.  Common laxatives like senacot, Miralax , Metamucil work for a week or so and give me awful cramping and pain.  New doctor has tried Linzess and IBSrela which only caused pain no benefit.  Prunes, water other dietary changes have made no difference.  Oh well, I’ve lived with it this long I guess it won’t kill me.

  • Ted Wilton

    April 13, 2023 at 2:35 pm

    After I take my Sinemet along with a single Colace tablet in the morning, I take a single cap full of MiraLAX (actually the Costco version, which is less expensive than the MiraLAX brand) in a large cup of coffee. This seems to work almost all of the time and is generally effective in keeping me regular. I used to travel extensively with my job, and that always upset my system, even when I was able to use my regular routine, and it took a few days to get “back on schedule” once I returned home.

    Constipation showed up several years before I was diagnosed with PD, and the routine of daily MiraLAX was endorsed by a doctor when I had my most recent colonoscopy (about two years prior to the PD diagnosis). My neurologist has supported my use of MiraLAX, and suggested taking a double dose if problems become more frequent, but I have not had to resort to this increase.


  • Ray Birk

    April 13, 2023 at 8:37 pm

    The TV ads got to me so I went ahead and ordered some Balance of Nature. Those capsules that are filled with either fruits or vegetables. The ads made sense to me.  We do not get enough fruits and vegetables in our daily meals so why not take a supplement that is just fruits and vegetables. I was not expecting much other than a little boost in my energy level., BUT..  I was very surprised when my energy improved, my walking improved (I suffer from freezing gait.) and my constipation went completely away. They have an option where you can buy some fiber too but I do not take that since the two capsules 3 times a day is good for me.

    My biggest thrill was the improvement in my walking. It is no fun to fall down everyday and sometimes several times a day.  The riddance of constipation was also nice surprise. I have been more normal in that aspect than anytime in my life.

    It may not have the same effect on other people as it has on me. A lot of people say in the TV ads that they will be taking B of N for the rest of their life. All I can say to that is    “Me too.”

  • Beth

    April 14, 2023 at 9:55 am

    My neurologist said I shouldn’t drink any tea or coffee with c/l???

    I’ve tried Miralax- gas,bloating and cramping. I used it every day for 2 weeks. Stool was almost so soft that I felt like I wasn’t emptying my bowels.

    I tried psyllium capsules-gas bloating, pressure.

    I get so uncomfortable on the right side of my abdomen that the pressure causes cramping of my quadriceps, calf,foot. I massage many times during the day  .Had a ct scan- all organs clear except my large intestines which were full of stool.Daily discomfort and interrupted sleep every 2hrs.usually 1 BM per day sometimes every 2days. I’ve also tried gas x with some success. When I am able to move my biles or pass gas the cramping in my leg usually resolved.

    Magnesium citrate 300mg is helpful also.

    Anyone else been told no coffee or tea? I was also told to drink 64 oz.  Of water every day. Straight water. BE A OF DEHYDRATION.

  • Beth

    April 14, 2023 at 9:55 am

    My neurologist said I shouldn’t drink any tea or coffee with c/l???

    I’ve tried Miralax- gas,bloating and cramping. I used it every day for 2 weeks. Stool was almost so soft that I felt like I wasn’t emptying my bowels.

    I tried psyllium capsules-gas bloating, pressure.

    I get so uncomfortable on the right side of my abdomen that the pressure causes cramping of my quadriceps, calf,foot. I massage many times during the day  .Had a ct scan- all organs clear except my large intestines which were full of stool.Daily discomfort and interrupted sleep every 2hrs.usually 1 BM per day sometimes every 2days. I’ve also tried gas x with some success. When I am able to move my biles or pass gas the cramping in my leg usually resolved.

    Magnesium citrate 300mg is helpful also.

    Anyone else been told no coffee or tea? I was also told to drink 64 oz.  Of water every day. Straight water. Be aware of DEHYDRATION.

  • Mike P.

    April 14, 2023 at 11:11 am

    I bet we all agree….this is a VERY bothersome symptom. I hit it many ways and this helps. I put benefiber in my morning coffee, I eat high fiber cereal every morning, I drink water with Miralax every afternoon. Vegetables like broccoli and green beans help too.

  • Bill

    April 14, 2023 at 1:11 pm

    Miralax every day, 3 Colace per day (1 am, 2pm)and make sure I drink enough water.

  • eva thomas

    April 15, 2023 at 1:35 pm

    Have had this problem for years. Was on a diet that required drinking about two gallons of water a day. It was very hard to do unless you chug the room temperature water very quickly. That cured my problem. Every morning I chug about four cups of room temp filtered water from a glass bottle and within an hour l have a “smooth move”. I think of it as a tsunami in my gut.

  • Anne Harding

    April 15, 2023 at 3:32 pm

    Hello, reading these replies I understand that we will try just about anything to avoid constipation. I could swear by a remedy only to find it no longer effective 6-8 months later. Right now my nighttime snack is frozen grapes with their frozen flesh and skin for roughage is helping. Then in the morning a glass of ice water followed by my morning coffee. Most times this leads to a successful trip to the bathroom.

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