
Serious Studies Needed into Role of Microbes in Alzheimer’s and, Potentially, Parkinson’s, Researchers Say

In an editorial published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, scientists and clinicians working in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) voiced concern over largely ignored research indicating that certain microbes — namely, the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1), Chlamydia pneumoniae, and several types of spirochaete — might be involved in Alzheimer’s pathogenesis. The…

International Stem Cell Corporation Initiates Parkinson’s Patient Enrollment in Phase 1 Trial

International Stem Cell Corporation is now enrolling patients in a Phase 1 clinical trial of its lead product candidate, ISC-hpNSC — human parthenogenetic stem cell-derived neural stem cells — for patients with moderate to severe Parkinson’s disease. Parthenogenesis uses unfertilized eggs to create pluripotent human stem cells and hopes to significantly advance the field of…

Parkinson’s Researchers Looking into Easiest and Best Ways of Diagnosing Disease in Early Stages

Early diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are crucial to halting its progression, since the process of neuron destruction is irreversible once it starts. However, only 50 percent of patients are correctly diagnosed with this neurodegenerative condition during a first visit with a neurologist. An international team of researchers, led by Dr. David…

Parkinson’s Researcher Awarded $50,000 to Develop At-home System for Monitoring Movement Disability

The Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) at Penn State awarded $50,000 to Harriet Nembhard, a professor of industrial engineering and director of the Penn State Center for Integrated Healthcare Delivery Systems, for new research involving the remote treatment and monitoring of people with Parkinson’s disease. Professor Nembhard, who is…

Search for Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Prompts Major Pharmaceuticals to Join Groundbreaking Consortium

Seven large pharmaceutical companies have joined a groundbreaking consortium to accelerate the development of safe and effective therapies for Parkinson’s disease. The Critical Path for Parkinson’s (CPP) Consortium was launched in October 2015 by founders Critical Path Institute (C-Path) and Parkinson’s UK, with a £1 million commitment.