
Difficulty in Diagnosis Greatly Affects Quality of Life of Parkinson’s Patients, Survey Finds

People living with Parkinson’s disease are frustrated with the difficulty in getting an accurate diagnosis, a new Health Union survey found. The “Parkinson’s in America 2017″ survey, conducted online between Jan. 19 and March 13 of this year, includes responses from 1,100 Parkinson’s patients and was released through, Health Union’s newest…

Study Reviews Use of Acadia’s Nuplazid as Treatment for Psychosis Linked to Parkinson’s Disease

Acadia Pharmaceuticals‘ Nuplazid (pimavanserin) is a reliable treatment to manage hallucinations and delusions associated with Parkinson’s disease psychosis (PDP), but its high cost and restricted access may limit its use in clinical practice, a new study says. The review, “Pimavanserin: A Novel Antipsychotic for Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis,”…

FDA Reviewing ADS-5102, Possible 1st Treatment for Levodopa-induced Dyskinesia in Parkinson’s

Treatment with ADS-5102 (amantadine) significantly decreased levodopa-induced dyskinesia and off-time episodes in patients with Parkinson’s disease at three months, and maintained those benefits for another three months, according to results of a Phase 3  clinical trial that may prove pivotal in the medicine’s approval. Adamas Pharmaceuticals, the treatment’s developer, has filed a New Drug Application…

Parkinson’s Vaccine Triggers Solid Immune Response, Phase 1 Clinical Trial Shows

AFFiRiS’s new Parkinson’s vaccine, AFFITOPE PD03A, triggered a solid immune response against the alpha-Synuclein (aSyn) protein associated with the disease, according to a Phase 1 clinical trial. Patients also tolerated the therapy well, researchers said. Werner Poewe, a professor at Austria’s Medical University Insbruck, presented the results at the 21stInternational Congress…