
How a ‘Support Partnership’ Helps to Improve Life With PD

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month. Maybe there were special awareness months in previous years, but this year has eclipsed them all with dire intensity that erases memory. It’s been one heck of a year. Mrs. Dr. C and I have managed by functioning harmoniously (most of the time) to…

We’re Here, Until Parkinson’s Isn’t

“You can help me or hinder me but you won’t stop me.” I read that quote somewhere this past week. You’ll have to forgive me, or should I say you’ll have to forgive my faulty Parkinson’s memory. It is the culprit that causes me to forget the things I…

When I Decline Your Invitation, Remember, It’s Not You, It’s Me

“It must be borne in mind that most Parkinsonian patients remain mentally alert even as their physical condition becomes severely impaired. At the same time, they are normally extraordinarily self-conscious about their infirmities. … Tremors, speech impediment, walking difficulties, all make one not only impatient with oneself, but also often…

How Our Perception of Pain Influences the Way We Manage It

“Dr. C seems better these days, don’t you think?” Neo asks Mrs. Dr. C. Neo is the inner part of Dr. C’s brain that shares his insights on Parkinson’s disease, science, and general well-being. Mrs. Dr. C agrees. “Since we moved to where winter snow doesn’t linger into April, he’s…