
Medical Marijuana and Parkinson’s: It’s Complicated

It is disappointing that medical marijuana is not among the first line of treatments a provider suggests for Parkinson’s disease, particularly when one is using federally sponsored medical services. But that is changing. It is a new world for medical marijuana, a treatment that both patients and providers are…

How Parkinson’s Affects Family Relationships

“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” – Michael J. Fox  “Love the people that have been given to you. … Love your family.” – Fr. Mike Schmitz There you have it. One quote from a celebrity and one from a Catholic priest. Both are short…

Have No Fear, Gordon Has Arrived With a ‘Cheesy Cheer’

“The camaraderie between the athletes is a joy to behold sometimes, because they all help each other along.” – William Regal Exercise is an effective way to slow Parkinson’s disease progression and provide symptom relief. In 2017, I began participating in the Rock Steady Boxing (RSB) program…

The Old Well Ain’t What She Used to Be

I used to bound out of bed, my internal well of resources fully refreshed, ready to tackle anything the day presented. Not anymore. The old well ain’t what she used to be. With Parkinson’s disease, I don’t sleep well. Despite my best efforts, I don’t start the day with…

Dad Receives the COVID-19 Vaccine

It is a Thursday evening when my sister asks me to come up with fake illnesses to give my dad. He has just received his first dose of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, and my sister, ever the practical jokester, wants to tease him.

Sharing Our Stories Reveals That We Are Not Alone

When my wife and I chat with people about having Parkinson’s disease, we often hear comments like, “My brother has Parkinson’s.” Or, “My uncle had Parkinson’s.” Or, “Both of my grandfathers have Parkinson’s.” These stories are shared by medical providers, acquaintances, and co-workers. These are people outside the usual Parkinson’s…

The Many Masks We Wear With Parkinson’s Disease

Who knew a year ago that our accessories would include face masks? We wear them to protect one another. For some of us with Parkinson’s disease, this mask protects us, but it hides another — the Parkinson’s mask. This mask is not an accessory. It’s a symptom that makes…