
Dad Becomes a Naturalist

When I was a kid, my dad was always in motion. If he wasn’t hard at work in the office, he was mowing our 10-acre lawn or cleaning the chicken coop. It was only in the evening that I’d finally see him at rest when he’d pop in a video…

A Balancing Act: The Struggle to Maintain Balance With PD

Now and then, especially as I’ve gotten older, my gait can be a bit unsteady. I’ve been known to drift a little to the left while walking. As we age, our balance, steadiness, strength, and agility decrease, and our chances of falling increase. For people with Parkinson’s disease (PD), balance,…

Anxiety: A Silent Symptom of Parkinson’s Disease

Anxiety is the secret poison of Parkinson’s disease. While it is not a symptom many people associate with the condition, many of us still suffer from it. What is anxiety? Anxiety involves feelings of worry, nervousness, and unease, typically when the outcome of an event is uncertain. We all feel…

Let’s Open the Door to Creativity

Living with Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been a curse and a blessing. The curse is a progressive chronic illness, and the blessing is being able to write creatively about the experience in a way that helps others. Writing for Parkinson’s News Today provides worthiness, pleasure, and self-expression for me. It’s…

Contemplating a Career Change With Parkinson’s

Receiving a Parkinson’s diagnosis immediately prompts a cascade of questions encompassing all aspects of life, including career choices. This can be especially challenging with young-onset Parkinson’s disease. What will I look like? Will I be able to care for myself and my family? Should I keep my…

She’s Got the Beat: How Music Helps My Sister With PD

Recently, I spent a weekend at a cabin in northern Arizona with some of my SisterChicks friends, as we call ourselves. We were escaping the Phoenix metro area, with its soaring 100-plus-degree temperatures and desert landscape, to experience the ponderosa pine trees and cooler weather. After we’d had some wine…