
Dear Parkinson’s, I’m Breaking Up With You

Dear Parkinson’s disease (PD), Wow, I can’t believe that we’ve been together for nearly 10 years. Our relationship has been a roller-coaster ride, that’s for sure. We’ve had our ups and downs — well, mostly downs when you’re around. It’s time for me to take a stand and tell you…

In Harmony: Navigating Relationships and Parkinson’s

The COVID-19 pandemic has led many of us to realize how much relationships, interactions with others, and social support mean to us. We as humans were created to be social. For people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and other chronic illnesses, the isolation, anxiety, and depression may feel even greater. During…

Nature Calling: How Nature Helps My Sister With Parkinson’s

I once had to attend a team-building and stress-reducing exercise event for work that involved immersing ourselves in nature. Yes, there was tree hugging, leaf exploration, trail walking, and stargazing. The point of the exercise was for nature to help us get in touch with ourselves and each other. And…

Exploring Episodic Symptoms and the Flicker Effect

Previously, I wrote about the role of the second dopamine center in Parkinson’s disease (PD), which is to monitor homeostasis regulatory systems. Regulatory system malfunction is connected to PD due to insular cortex damage. In early-stage PD, this leads to episodic symptom presentation. At first, these regulatory systems…

Homeostasis and Parkinson’s: Understanding the 2nd Dopamine Center

In my book “Possibilities with Parkinson’s: A Fresh Look,” the insular cortex is described as the second dopamine center. Researchers surmise that the second dopamine center contributes to the nonmotor symptoms associated with the disease and its individualistic presentation. The second dopamine center is largely responsible for…

Individualized Presentation: A Hallmark of Parkinson’s

“If you have met a person with Parkinson’s, then you have seen just one patient with Parkinson’s.” I heard a medical doctor say this at a Parkinson’s disease (PD) support group meeting and presentation several years ago. After attending four different PD support groups, the truth of individualized presentation was…