
Facing the Beast and Being Honest About My Suffering

Even after years of practicing the Parkinson’s disease self-management program I initiated and developed, which I call “TBM,” I still experience suffering in the form of intense pain, brain fog, and emotionally turbulent days. Still, I must face the beast. It’s a chaotic experience, difficult to translate, and not…

5 Lessons I’ve Learned on My Parkinson’s Journey

If you’re a Parkinson’s veteran, what would you tell a rookie? If you’re a rookie, what Parkinson’s lessons would you like to learn? I was diagnosed in late 2014 with young-onset Parkinson’s disease at the age of 45. At 53, I feel like both a rookie and a veteran.

Identifying Our Secret Superpowers

It’s a crisp January morning when my best friend and I ask each other about our superpowers. He tells me he’s as fast as lightning, which is funny because he’s a semi-pro ultra runner. I think he must be in the top 10% of speedy athletes. I slide my…

Skin-deep Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Here in Arizona, dry, flaky, and itchy skin is a common problem because we get 335 days of sunshine. But my sister Bev, who has stage 3 Parkinson’s disease, experiences the same problems with her skin during the frigid winters in Ohio, where she lives. Parkinson’s…

A Caregiver’s Role in the ‘TBM’ Support Partnership

As this chronic illness progression continues to steal away functioning, I need more support. When I previously wrote about the excellent role Mrs. Dr. C plays within the support partnership, a reader asked, “How do I get me a Mrs. Dr. C relationship?” I didn’t reply at the time.

How Aquatic Therapy Can Benefit People With Parkinson’s Disease

Spending time in the water can be refreshing, relaxing, and healing for both the body and the soul. For those with Parkinson’s disease (PD), performing exercises or movements in the water, a practice known as aquatic therapy, may be especially beneficial. Because water reduces the stress and pressure on the…

Tips for Living Well With Parkinson’s Disease in 2022

After a Parkinson’s diagnosis, life can become a stream of “what ifs” and “I can’ts.” While it’s true that life changes with the disease, there are still many things we can do, including exercising, practicing mindfulness, and eating a healthy diet. Many ring in the new year by promising…

Embracing the Power of Gratitude

Most of us have heard about the power of gratitude. According to research, expressing a sense of gratitude can contribute to stronger relationships and heightened levels of happiness. And those who regularly express it are more likely to be optimistic about life than those who don’t. While many of…