Embrace the Shake – a Column by Samantha Felder

Samantha, or "Young'n" was diagnosed nine years ago, at age 21, with Parkinson’s disease. She graduated from college with a degree in education, and recently relocated to Florida from Wisconsin. She loves to travel and is obsessed with Disney. Fun fact: The person who owned her house last was part of the Disney family!

My Dad Looks Back on My Parkinson’s Diagnosis, Part 1

First in a two-part series. With Father’s Day coming up this weekend, I decided to get my father’s thoughts on Parkinson’s disease. I would like to introduce my best friend, biggest cheerleader, and voice of reason: my dad, Craig Barbian. Technically retired and in his 60s, he works part time…

My Top Tips for a Newly Diagnosed Parkinson’s Patient

Dear new Parkinson’s patient (aka Parkie), Welcome to your new lifelong community. It’s sort of like you are marrying the disease. “Do you, new Parkinson’s patient, take this disease to be your (maybe not one and only) condition?” “Sadly, I do, until death do us part.” When you’re newly…

What I Learned From Joining an Inclusive Theater Group

“O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” I’m sure many of you recognize that quote from Shakespeare. If you don’t, no big deal, just blame it on the Parkinson’s. But how in the world does theatrical performance have anything to do with Parkinson’s? How will Shakespeare help me in my…