Wendy Henderson,  —

Wendy is a proven blogger and social media manager who has helped to build online communities for businesses and organizations. She currently heads the website’s social outreach online through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Articles by Wendy Henderson

9 Tips to Help You Get Over a Freezing Episode

It’s estimated that around a third of people living with Parkinson’s disease experience “freezing” from time to time. “Freezing” often happens when patients are walking and suddenly change direction or while raising the foot to go up a step, but it can also affect arm movements and even speech.  Freezing can lead to…

New Microsoft Watch Can Quiet Parkinson’s Tremors

Tech giant Microsoft has just unveiled one of their newest, most innovative designs: a wristwatch that can temporarily halt tremors in people with Parkinson’s disease. MORE: Inventor solves graphic designer’s problem with Parkinson’s tremors. The prototype was showcased last week at the Microsoft Build 2017 event in Seattle, Washington. The watch…