Magdalena Kegel,  —

Magdalena is a writer with a passion for bridging the gap between the people performing research, and those who want or need to understand it. She writes about medical science and drug discovery. She holds an MS in Pharmaceutical Bioscience and a PhD — spanning the fields of psychiatry, immunology, and neuropharmacology — from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden.

Articles by Magdalena Kegel

Motor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Traced in Study to Problems with Complex Decisions

Poor decision-making processes — common enough among patients with Parkinson’s disease — may contribute to the movement difficulties that characterize the disease, a view that redefines Parkinson’s as more than a movement disorder. The findings may also lead to new discoveries of early disease markers, improving chances of halting brain degeneration at an early…

New Genetic Cause Found in Familial Parkinson’s Disease

A recent publication in the journal Nature Genetics describes a new genetic cause of Parkinson’s disease. The newly identified gene, called TMEM230, is involved in storage and release of the neurotransmitter dopamine from neurons. The findings open up new avenues of research into mechanisms leading to the…

Autoantibodies May Link Ulcer Bacteria, Parkinson’s Disease

Infection with the ulcer bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) has repeatedly been linked to Parkinson’s disease. Recently, researchers revealed that the infection is associated with higher levels of certain autoantibodies — possibly explaining the connection between the two seemingly unrelated disease states. The research team at the University of Malaya, in Malaysia,…

Parkinson’s Patients Can Find Rigidity Relief with Laxatives

Maintenance laxatives can relieve patients with Parkinson’s disease from a progression of rigidity, according to a newly released study audit. The results further point strongly to a contribution of gut factors to the disease mechanisms. In the recently published retrospective study, researchers from King’s College London,…