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Do you struggle with anxiety and depression?
Sussan Thomas replied 5 months, 2 weeks ago 45 Members · 74 Replies
You know, I had such a period of my life. Depression is a serious and severe mental disorder that is difficult to overcome on your own.
It is manifested by inhibition, decreased performance, loss of good mood, joy and desire to live.
<span data-sheets-formula-bar-text-style=”font-size:13px;color:#000000;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;font-family:’Arial’;font-style:italic;text-decoration-skip-ink:none;”> It is manifested by inhibition, decreased performance, loss of good mood, joy and desire to live.</span>
yes, I csn set my watch by it. Comes on at 3:00 PM waes and then returns attenated around 6:00. No fun.
There are 2 ways that I’ve personally found effective: First, ignore what everyone else says or thinks, their opinions are not relevant for the most part; and, second, be involved in some activity to such an extent that I forget all about Parkinsons’.
I keep on telling myself that I am unique and the opportunity to do anything or go anywhere my mind takes me. I want to hold on to an optimistic outlook as my personal mantra, set goals and go for it, whatever it may be.
I do suffer from anxiety and depression but they came about in really different ways. I first started having motor symptoms in 2008, I was diagnosed in 2011. Thinking back, my sense of smell preceded my physical symptoms by at least five years. In 2008,I went on an antidepressant (cymbalta) which I thought was stress-related. The rest of my life was good. I think the depression was related to on-coming PD.
My real battle came in the form of near-daily PANIC ATTACKS! In April 2020, I was starting to tail off. I was taking a dopamine agonist and 4-5 Sinemet per day. My doctor prescribed Rytary and started with 3-4 a day, and then upping it every week. My agonist was tapered off in two weeks during April under the assumption it was interfering with Rytary. Also, t he Rytary made me felt <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>horrible</span> but was encouraged to ‘ride it out’, and it would get better. After 4 wks, I ended up in the ER with my first ever panic attack. I was hyerventilating, my arms and hands were like claws, My cell phone died about 1 h0ur into my 3.5 hr wait in a large, empty, concrete room that was there to hold many expected covid patiemra
Yes I struggle with anxiety and depression. I’ve been generally depressed all my life. I had one episode of clinical depression when I was 19. I benefited from psychiatric counseling and electroconvulsive therapy.
During my clinical depression I learned that my father had a similar episode and I was seeing the same doctor he saw some 15 years earlier.
Since taking Venlafaxine my depression is under control for the most part.
Around 2015 I began to have episodes of anxiety and mild panic attacks. I now believe these were early Parkinson’s symptoms. I was diagnosed with PD in 2019. Looking back at my father’s PD diagnosis and symptoms he faced I also believe he suffered anxiety as a PD related symptom along with life-long depression.
I have made significant progress in dealing with my PD related anxiety. I’m fortunate to have an understanding wife who helps me face my worries and very good advice from friends who have lived with PD much longer than I have. They told me that my number one priority in treating PD should be to reduce or alleviate stress. Since concentrating on that aspect of my disease I’ve been able to gain better control over my symptoms.
Good luck.
Yes I suffer from anxiety depression nervousness stress a lot. 5 years before I was diagnosed with Parkinson ice started experience in depression. Sometimes depression get s to a great height and I have no control over my actions and emotions and I make mistakes for which I regret later.
I am have been on anti depressants for the past 10 years -
Managing anxiety and depression can be different for everyone, but various strategies can help. Encouraging your dad to seek professional support from a therapist or counselor can be a significant first step. They can provide valuable guidance and techniques tailored to his specific needs.
It’s great that your dad opened up to you about his struggles. Anxiety and depression are common, and many people have found ways to manage them. It’s important to be supportive and understanding. Encourage your dad to seek professional help if he hasn’t already. They can provide guidance and suggest coping strategies.
It’s great that your dad opened up to you about his struggles. Anxiety and depression are common, and many people have found ways to manage them. It’s important to be supportive and understanding. Encourage your dad to seek professional help if he hasn’t already. They can provide guidance and suggest coping strategies.
Consider contacting a mental health helpline if you or your dad need immediate support. Also, support groups and online resources are available where people share their experiences and strategies.
My sister recently got depression because of the breakup with his boyfriend. This is something terrible.
I’m really sorry to hear about your sister. Breakups can be incredibly tough. I remember when I went through a particularly bad one a few years back. It felt like my whole world was crumbling, and the emotional toll was undeniable. It’s normal for someone to feel a range of emotions – from anger to sadness, and even moments of disbelief.
A crucial thing I found was having someone to talk to. Sometimes just speaking about it, venting, or seeking advice can make a world of difference. I went to individual counseling in nyc during that tough time. The counselor provided me with techniques and strategies to cope and regain my sense of self-worth. He really helped me to understand that it’s okay to feel hurt and that healing is a journey, not a destination.
Take care and stay strong for her.
My 86 year old mother is having a terrible time with anxiety and depression. It always starts at around 5:00 pm and lasts until she goes to bed. This is an everyday thing. She’s on Sertraline and Xanax and I think I need to talk to her doctor to try something else. This anxiety is consuming her and us at the same time.
I have PTSD, Combat Related, which in itself can causes anxiety. When your trigger is set off(loud noise, someone coming up behind you and touching you, fireworks, for example). The problem is when it is un-expected, is usually the worst time, my sister used to come up behind me and poke me in the ribs( I am hard of hearing and even with hearing aids, can’t tell when someone is behind me) that stopped when she startled me so bad I actually hit her, fortunately she had stood back as I turned it around. Reacting without thinking causes stress and anxiety. Having to know your surroundings always doesn’t help, your senses are always alert. After the service, I started my career as a Physicians Assisant in the Federal Bureau of Prisons and worked this setting for 24 plus years retiring as a Health Care Administrator.
Depression hit me in 2000 after I retired and was diagnosed with PD, presumably, from Agent Orange in VietNam where I was a Navy Corpsman assigned to the Marines. I am 76 y/o and everyday something new comes along. I am depressed over my health and it is a vicious circle. -
I suffer from anxiety. Currently I’m taking Xanax. It helps. Does anyone have a better recommendation for anxiety?
My wife is the one who has been diagnosed with PD and our Neurologist identified mild depression in her with just us describing how things were going. She (the Neurologist) prescribed a VERY low dose of an antidepressant and she is smiling a LOT MORE OFTEN! Plus, her anxiety has been really reduced. We both go together to her appointments and through our combined observations the Neurologist has really been able to help us.
<p class=”p1″><span class=”s1″> I have seen a lot of research and got a few articles on depression and Parkinsons , but anxiety seems less well covered. I am interested in others who have mood swings that fluctuate with their medication cycle. I have reached the ripe old age of 75 and I had never had a problem with depression or anxiety until June 14, 2023 3 AM. I woke up with the urge to empty my bladder, and a burning sensation that rose up my trunk into my face. This was followed by a feeling like I was being given intravenous epinephrine, and it was coming out of all my fingers like lightning. I was terrified. It lasted about two hours. I told my neurologist that morning when I went for DBS programming. These episodes continued, initially with every medicine cycle, usually at the point on my level, levodopa carbidopa level would be at its lowest. They were relieved by increasing my dose of levodopa carbidopa. We increased it to the point where am I mail order pharmacy would no longer fill the prescription. I used mantras, music, intense exercise, as well as cognitive behavioral therapy to try and keep these attacks at bay. We tried turning the DBS off, but that made no difference, except I got all my dyskinesia back. My doctor started me on an SSRI. The attacks became less intense, but still unpredictable, and still some very severe ones. I find just the anticipation of them frightening. Next month I will see a neuropsychiatrist to to see what he advises. </span></p>
Deleted User
Deleted UserDecember 19, 2023 at 12:51 pmno i am not
I do have bouts of anxiety and depression but I think that it contributes to my Parkinson’s rather than being a result of Parkinson’s. I’m not certain that it makes much difference at this point but they are definitely connected. My solution is to listen to encouraging Christian music, to read my King James Bible, and go to church whenever I can.
Yes, it’s a major factor in my well-being.Working with medical providers to control it the best we can. Not easy.
I have struggled with depression intermittently most of my life and, knowing what I know now, I also had issues with mild anxiety but then I contacted COVID in early 2021. From the beginning of COVID I struggled with fatigue and within a few months I had severe anxiety issues and within a month of that I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. What helped me most was seeing a Psychologist who specialized in neurodegenerative diseases.
Our discussions and my homework allowed me to dig up bad thought patterns and work on changing them. I have always struggled with low self esteem but diagnosed with Parkinson’s intensified those negative feelings and fear of being a burden. I highly recommend seeing a psychologist in order to learn tools/techniques to better handle the feelings and stresses that occur from Parkinson’s, keeping thoughts and fears in check so as to not go down the rabbit hole.
On the most part now, I can see the anxiety starting to build and take actions to keep it from escalating, whether that’s taking a time out, taking a short walk or working on a puzzle—things that keep my focus on the present
When I was younger I dealt with anxiety a lot. However, I have learned to manage the anxiety and it rarely causes me any issues.
Sometimes, having a professional to guide you through those tough thought patterns and emotions can make all the difference. Your recommendation to see a psychologist is spot on; it’s essential to have tools and techniques to navigate these feelings and stresses, especially when facing something as complex as Parkinson’s. Taking actions to manage anxiety, like those short walks or puzzles, are great ways to keep your focus on the present and stay grounded. I found some valuable info about mental health on . It might offer additional support and insights on your journey.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Panic Attacks
CBT is an effective treatment method for individuals with panic and other anxiety disorders.
I read through most of the replies, but did not see anything relating to medical marjuana. Try it! I now take Sinemet only to supplement my Cannibus . My anxiety was causing my depression, which was deep, and now is at a level where I actually can smile and laugh. If med-marjuana is in legal in your state, I suggest you visit a state run store, apply for a MedCard, and begin experimenting. It worked for me.
I struggle with anxiety and depression at times. It’s not always easy, but I’ve been finding ways to manage it with varying degrees of success.
One of the first things I found helpful was establishing a routine. It sounds simple, but having structure in my day helps give me a sense of control and predictability.
Exercise has been another crucial part of my routine. It’s not always easy to get motivated when you’re down, but even a short walk can make a significant difference.
Another thing that’s become a part of my routine is listening to self-help podcasts. There’s a good selection at that focuses on different aspects of mental wellness. It’s helpful to start my day or unwind in the evening with an episode or two.Mindfulness and meditation are also strategies I turn to. It helps me to stay present and not get too caught up in worries about the future.
Each step might seem small on its own. But together, they build a foundation for better managing anxiety and depression.
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