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Books about Parkinson’s
Posted by Ally on November 15, 2023 at 6:54 amIn September, Mary Beth Sylis wrote a column for Parkinson’s News Today about two books she was reading about Parkinson’s disease: Both Sides of Now by Alice Lazzarini and Parkinson’s Disease: 300 Tips to Make Life Easier by Shelley Peterman Schwartz.
Have you read either of these titles? What did you think of them? Are there any other Parkinson’s-related books you would recommend?
Ally replied 3 months, 1 week ago 18 Members · 28 Replies -
28 Replies
I should try one of those books. Can’t say that I can recommend something.
I haven’t read either of those titles … But I will recommend Brain Storms by Jon Palfreman, which I read a few years ago … and I’m now reading Ending Parkinson’s: A Prescription for Action by Ray Dorsey, Todd Scherer, Michael Okun and Bastiaan Bloem, which so far is excellent …
I was saddened by the way abortion & stem cell experimentation was embraced in the book Both Sides Now.
I recently learned that some programs extract stem cells from the placenta after a mother gives birth. I know not every program works that way, but do you think you would be more inclined to embrace it if you knew how the cells were sourced?
Both Sides of Now by Alice Lazzarini [in the original post
To Mary Beth’s question: yes, that would change the picture quite a bit, but I would still hesitate.
Also look at “Parkinson’s Disease for Dummies”. It’s easy to read and understand.
Written by my doc … Michele Tagliati … at Cedars Sinai in LA … I have yet to read it, but it’s on my list
I have been told that both of my books, although written some time ago, have been very helpful to many people. In fact, the Minnesota chapter of the American Parkinson’s Disease Association used to give a copy of my 1st book, <b style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>The First Year—Parkinson’s Disease: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed, (2005) to every newly diagnosed person who contacted them. The chapter on medications is outdated but I believe that the rest of it holds up well. Likewise, my 2nd book, Life With A Battery-Operated Brain: A Patient’s Guide to Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for Parkinson’s Disease (2009) has gotten good feedback for its list of questions to ask potential surgeons, and for its thorough list of things to consider before making the decision to undergo DBS.
Thank you for sharing, Jackie, and congratulations on having two books published! I’m sure many people have benefitted from your work. Are you continuing to write?
Happy New Year, Mary Beth!
Here’s another book for you.
Parkinsons Creative Collective
The NeuroWriters’ Guide to the Peripatetic Pursuit of Parkinson Disease, an anthology of experiences of life with PD.
I was part of the book writing group assisting with technical things and wrote an article and contributed some pictures.
My husband, who has PD, and I have both read Brain Storms by Jon Palfreman which we found very informative. Of course, it’s now somewhat outdated, but still lots of good information, especially for the recently diagnosed. I was able to get it from the library.
Thank you, Jackie, for your insightful book, The First Years…. It was one of a dozen books I read when first diagnosed 13 years ago and the only one I point new PDers to for information. I wish there were a comparable book for the middle years and especially the final years.
Thank you, Sherman!! I’m so glad that you found the book to be helpful. I’m sorry that it’s taken me so long to acknowledge your note. I just happened to read the comments all the way to the end today, and I’m very glad that I did. You made my day!!
Best wishes to you! Jackie
Hi Mary Beth
Why can’t I log in on the Mucuna post? My PD physician encouraged me to grow and eat Mucuna beans and I do. They contain Dopamine which is why he tells me to take it. The problem is I don’t know the dosage. But if we mix it with all the other stuff (B3 etc), how do we really know what is working?
Please add to the Mucuna section if possible, thanks
I liked the book My Degeneration. It’s a graphic novel, quite readable. A good book to share with family and friends to educate them about Parkinson’s.
I will have to check that one out. Thanks for the recommendation!
A Son’s Journey from Parkinson’s Disease Caregiver to Advocate. This book is, first, a memoir of and praise for my mother, Sharon, who was my best friend through both our lives and explores her journey with PD. The book is a heartfelt recollection of the beginnings of her Parkinson’s disease symptoms and my caregiving to support through her battle with PD.
However, I also want to reach those who are not aware of Parkinson’s throughout the world. Until we ensure that others outside the local or regional Parkinson’s community are made aware, a cure will be further from our grasp. Others, too, may find the book helpful, especially for those suffering from associated diseases.
This is a good book but it reads like a textbook for doctors.
Ahlskog is a neurologist with Mayo in Rochester.
Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Book. Eric Ahlskog
Hello everyone,
I’m Peter Obermeyer in Nashville Tennessee, and have enjoyed this Forum and the News Today publication for about 4 years and ongoing.
I founded The Nashville Parkinson’s Support Group, graciously sponsored by the Brent Peterson Foundation for Parkinson’s over 3 years ago.
Thought I would reply to your post by first mentioning that I regularly recommend the Parkinson’s News to our membership, the newly diagnosed, patients, those that support patients, guest speakers, etc.
Take a look at “THE NEW PARKINSON’S DISEASE TREATMENT BOOK – Partnering with Your Doctor to Get the Most from Your Medications”SECOND EDITION. Written by Dr. ERIC AHLSKOG, PHD, MD
Dr. Ahlskog draws on thirty years of clinical experience as a Mayo Clinic doctor. We refer to this “go to book”, as our Parkinson’s Bible!
The detailed index in the back provides easy to find everything Parkinson’s.
Hope this book is as helpful for you as it has been for us!
Many thanks for the gift of having this forum, and the News Today regular publication for those of us suffering with Parkinson’s, and those of you that support us.
Respectfully yours,
Peter O.
Thanks for sharing, Peter, and thanks for recommending Parkinson’s News Today to folks in your group. I hope that they find the resources and articles helpful!
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