
Parkinson’s Researcher Awarded $50,000 to Develop At-home System for Monitoring Movement Disability

The Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) at Penn State awarded $50,000 to Harriet Nembhard, a professor of industrial engineering and director of the Penn State Center for Integrated Healthcare Delivery Systems, for new research involving the remote treatment and monitoring of people with Parkinson’s disease. Professor Nembhard, who is…

Parkinson’s Disease-associated Gene Mutations Appear to Inhibit Key Neuronal Death Process

Genetic mutations associated with Parkinson’s disease appear to alter the processes of neuronal death, University College London (UCL) researchers suggest in a study titled “The Parkinson’s disease-linked proteins Fbxo7 and Parkin interact to mediate mitophagy,” published in Nature Neuroscience. Neurons are dependent on the integrity of mitochondria, the energy…

Researchers of Parkinson’s, Other Neurological Diseases Say ‘Mini-Brains’ May Be Effective in Testing New Drugs

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have developed “mini-brains” that may present a more accurate and effective way of testing new drugs for many neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease. These human cell-derived structures, which represent an existing new alternative to animal testing, were recently discussed in…

Parkinson’s Mouse Model Hints at Possibility of Neuron Regrowth in Adult Brains

Boise State University researchers developed a novel mouse model to assess dopaminergic (DA) neurogenesis in the substantia nigra of adult animals, and suggest that neuron regrowth is possible in adult mammals. Importantly, these neurons’ growth rate indicates that inflammatory responses may inhibit natural neuronal generation, a process that can eventually lead to Parkinson’s disease.

New Biomarker Assay for Parkinson’s Disease Granted EU Funds

European Union researchers, as a part of the EU-funded BIOMARKERS FOR PD project, have developed a Parkinson’s Disease (PD) biochemical biomarker assay that could lead to early diagnosis of the disease, the development of effective treatments and the successful assessment of pathogenesis and overall physiology of the disease. Aside from the…