
Researchers Identify Promising Targets in Molecular Pathway Involved in Sporadic Parkinson’s Disease

Researchers at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging have learned that oxidative stress, a main driver in sporadic Parkinson’s Disease, affects the parkin protein – essential to clear damaged proteins and mitochondria in cells – in the same manner that genetic mutations do. The findings help researchers better understand sporadic PD. The molecular dysfunction…

Heart Drug Found to Slow Plaque Build-up in Blood Vessels in the Brains of Mice

Platelets contribute to amyloid-β deposits in blood vessels in the brain by promoting the formation of Aβ aggregates that are central to Parkinson’s disease, but a heart medication — the anti-platelet drug clopidogrel — can help to stop these plaques from forming, researchers at Örebro University in Sweden reported. This last finding, from a…

Parkinson’s Research Gets Boost with Cellular Dynamics, Michael J. Fox Foundation Collaboration

Cellular Dynamics International (CDI) has recently joined a Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF) effort by agreeing to collect induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from 85 people in the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI). The project, ‘Golub Capital iPSC PPMI Sub-study’, is sponsored by Golub Capital and run by…

Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Molecules Detected on New Inexpensive Portable Device

An inexpensive, portable biosensor device developed by researchers at the National Nanotechnology Laboratory (LNNano) in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, has proven capable of detecting molecules associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases,  and certain types of cancer. Essentially a single-layer organic nanometer-scale transistor on a…

Parkinson’s Patients Can Find Rigidity Relief with Laxatives

Maintenance laxatives can relieve patients with Parkinson’s disease from a progression of rigidity, according to a newly released study audit. The results further point strongly to a contribution of gut factors to the disease mechanisms. In the recently published retrospective study, researchers from King’s College London,…

Parkinson’s Patient, After Nerve Cell Transplant, Showed ‘Major’ Benefits for Nearly 25 Years

Lund University researchers followed a Parkinson’s disease patient who had undergone neuronal transplantation, and reported the patient experienced long-term “major clinical benefits,” including the restoration of normal dopamine function. Importantly, transplant-derived cell reinnervation was evident for almost 25 years, although the disease again began to progress some 14 years after transplantation. The study, “…