
Parkinson’s Disease May Leave Telltale Odor on Skin

Parkinson’s UK, the largest charity funder of Parkinson’s research in the U.K., recently launched a new research project that explores the possibility of using an individual’s skin odor to diagnose Parkinson’s disease. Watch the video below to learn more about this new project from Parkinson’s UK’s director of research, Arthur Roach:…

Parkinson-Related Research IDs Neurons That Control Movement

A team of researchers localized the specific types of neurons involved in movement, work that might be of relevance to understand neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Huntington’s. The study, entitled “Cell-Type-Specific Sensorimotor Processing in Striatal Projection Neurons during Goal-Directed Behavior,” was published in Neuron. Neurodegeneration occurs when…

Anti-Cancer Drug Shows Clinical Benefits in Parkinson’s Patients

Researchers at the Georgetown University Medical Center reported nilotinib (Tasigna® by Novartis), a treatment for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), successfully treated Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia patients in a Phase I trial. The complete results were presented during the annual meeting of the society of Neuroscience, Neuroscience 2015, held in Chicago…

Stable Parkinson’s Disease Drug Therapy Status Quo Could Soon Be Disrupted by New Category Entrants

Burlington, Massachusetts-based, medical market research firm Decision Resources Group (DRG) reports, citing analyses of U.S. longitudinal patient-level claims data, that the Parkinson’s disease (PD) drug treatment algorithm remains highly stable, with levodopa (either alone or in combination with carbidopa) as its foundation. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a…

Great Lakes NeuroTech Allowed Patent Claims for Parkinson’s Deep Brain Stimulation Visualization Maps

Valley View, Ohio-based Great Lakes NeuroTechnologies (GLNT) have announced receipt of a new allowance of claims from the U.S. Patent Office focused on technology for Parkinson’s disease (PD) diagnostics and treatment. This particular patent application covers a method of measuring Parkinson’s motor symptoms such as tremor, bradykinesia, and rigidity, and…

ISCO to Present Stem Cell Studies at Neuroscience 2015

California-based biotech, International Stem Cell Corporation (ISCO), will present results of its studies on a novel treatment for Parkinson’s disease during the Neuroscience 2015 Conference, Chicago. ISCO announced it will host an oral presentation at the conference, focused on the preclinical development of human parthenogenetic neural stem cells (hPNSCs) to address the neurodegenerative condition. International Stem Cell Corporation…

Lack of IFNβ Function Linked to Parkinson’s Disease Onset

Researchers at the Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC), University of Copenhagen, have linked lack of signaling by the immune system-regulating cytokine Interferon-beta (IFNβ) to the on-set of non-inheritable Parkinson’s disease (PD). The research paper, entitled “Lack of Neuronal IFN-β-IFNAR Causes Lewy Body- and Parkinson’s Disease-like Dementia”, was published…

Study Finds Protective Effects of Exercise in Parkinson’s Disease

Over time, levodopa and dopamine agonists’ treatment in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients can become ineffective to control involuntary movements. Laboratory studies on PD animal models suggest that physical training may help to alleviate these symptoms offering an alternative form of therapy. Now, a research team at Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense in Brazil…