Katherine Poinsatte, PhD,  Science writer—

Katherine earned their PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas where they studied the role of the immune system in promoting synaptic connectivity during recovery from stroke. They have received international recognition for their research on post-stroke neuroplasticity and neuroinflammation, as well as for developing image analysis pipelines using volumetric imaging methods and a supervised machine learning model.

Articles by Katherine Poinsatte, PhD

New method may identify younger people at risk for Parkinson’s

A new method for detecting toxic protein clumps of alpha-synuclein in skin cells may help diagnose Parkinson’s disease up to two decades before motor symptoms appear, according to a recent study. The novel technology combines super-resolution microscopy and advanced computational analysis to precisely map the protein clumps’ molecules…

Patients, families differ on views of Parkinson’s: Symptom survey

People with Parkinson’s disease see movement-related symptoms like walking, balance, and tremor as the most bothersome aspects of their disease, while family members are more concerned about physical impacts like mobility and psychosocial aspects like interpersonal interactions and independence, according to a large-scale international survey. At later stages…