José Lopes, PhD, managing science editor —

José holds a PhD in neuroscience from the University of Porto, Portugal. After postdocs at Weill Connell Medicine and Western University, where he studied the processes driving hypertension and Alzheimer’s disease, he moved on in 2016 to a career in science writing and communication. José is the author of several peer-reviewed papers and a book chapter and has presented his research in numerous international meetings.

Articles by José Lopes

h-Patch Device for Slow Apomorphine Infusion May Ease Off Periods in Advanced Parkinson’s, Valeritas Says

Under-the-skin infusions of low-dose apomorphine using a wearable device called h-Patch may help in avoiding off periods and improving motor function in Parkinson’s patients, Valeritas, the technology’s developer, reports. A preclinical study found that apomorphine delivered using h-Patch could be detected in the blood within two hours, with a…

N-acetylcysteine Helps Ease Motor, Cognitive Problems in PD, Study Reports

Treatment with the naturally occurring antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) along with standard Parkinson’s therapies improved patients’ motor and mental abilities, possibly by restoring the function of dopamine-producing nerve cells, according to new research. The study, “N-Acetyl Cysteine Is Associated With Dopaminergic Improvement in Parkinson’s Disease,” appeared in…

TNM Device for Thermal Brain Stimulation Eases Motor and Other Symptoms of Parkinson’s, Small Trial Reports

Twice daily treatment with ThermoNeuroModulation (TNM), a non-invasive device for at-home use, provided sustained motor and non-motor benefits and was associated with high satisfaction in a small group of Parkinson’s patients on standard medications, a clinical trial reports. The study based on its findings,“Caloric vestibular stimulation for the…