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  • Foods that make you feel better?

    Posted by Robert Li on June 8, 2021 at 9:38 pm

    I was wondering if there are foods or dietary guidelines that have helped you with reduced motor or non-motor symptoms?  I have chopped out 90% of the fried foods I used to eat, and I eat a lot more freshly prepared organic vegetables and unprocessed grains (rice instead of pasta or bread, for instance).  I avoid what I have known allergy or gastric reactions to, and I only eat 1-2 oz of whole chicken per meal.  Also, I take a variety of probiotics including spore-based ones (e.g. bacillus coagulans).  I think my diet has helped me a lot, but I don’t know if there are specific components that have helped more than others.  I don’t have constipation any more, my thinking is clearer more of the time, and I have much less RLS and anxiety.

    Most studies on PD show that there is low SCFA production in the gut.  SCFAs like butyrate are critical for normal functioning of the body’s motor control and neurotransmitter production, energy, detox etc.  SCFAs are produced by gut bacteria from carbohydrates.  Studies also show a high level of inflammation, which reduces absorption of nutrients.  Fried foods and other highly processed foods cause more inflammation.

    Other interesting foods:  A cup of cauliflower florets contains 3g mannitol.  Maybe not enough to be therapeutic, but enough for a health benefit.  Garlic and onions contain a lot of useful nutrients.  Sweet potatoes contains SCFA boosting carbohydrates and beta carotene which is converted to the antioxidant vitamin A.  Our family eats a lot of these foods.  Have you found any foods that make you feel better?

    Lamar Cartwright replied 2 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Lloyd

    September 9, 2021 at 6:00 am

    Hi. Garlic, onions, shallots, red peppers, green peppers, salads, salmon, chicken breasts, broccoli, cottage cheese, yogurt, coffee, tuna fish, rice.
    Quality foods for anyone’s life but essential for PD. My craving is ice cream. I indulge in that area.

  • francisco manuel goncalves

    November 3, 2021 at 8:05 am

    Fruta(maças,peras,figos,ameixas,cerejas,uvas,pessegos, melão,melancia) que eu ainda consigo produzir e  que baseio a minha alimentação na epóca própria de cada uma delas, bem como nesta epóca as castanhas e as nozes, julgo que com estes alimentos, me sinto mais agil,leve, menos propenso a quedas, sem prisão de ventre etc etc. As minhas refeições(cozinh0 para mim, vivo sózinho), incluem sempre fruta. A sopa incluiu sempre, cebola,abobora, cenoura,salsa,alho,pouca batata e uma maça.Não sei se é psicologico ou mesmo real o que é certo é que consugo conviver e lutar contra a doença.No entanto admito que por vezes exagero num ou outro doce, principalmente compotas, que nestes dias se fazem aqui nesta terra.Antes de ir para a cama por norma, tomo uma colher de mel com umas gotas de limã0.Gostaria de saber a opinião do forun e conselhos para modificar o que não devo comer-

    Translated via Google translate: 

    Fruit (maças, pears, figs, ameixas, cherries, grapes, pessegos, melão, molancia) that I still get to produce and that based on minha feeding in the own epoch of each one of them, bem as this epoch as castanhas and as nozes, July that you eat these foods, I feel more agile, light, less prone to stay, sem prisão de ventre etc etc. As minhas refeições (cozinh0 for myself, I live sózinho), always include fruit. A soup includes always, cebola, abobora, cenoura, sauce, alho, a little sweet potato and a maça. I don’t know if it is psychological or the same real or that I am certain that I have to coexist and fight against doença. Number one or another twelve, mainly compotes, that on these days it was made here on this terra. Before going to bed as a rule, I take a colher of mel with some drops of lime. I don’t want to eat-

  • Marjorie Weiss

    November 4, 2021 at 4:06 pm

    I am interested in learning more about this subject

  • Lamar Cartwright

    April 15, 2022 at 9:53 am

    I am also very interested to know more, because nutrition plays an important role in this disease.

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