Using Virtual Reality for PD Exercise
I recently came across an article published in the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation dealing with virtual reality and PD patients. (URL below)
I have been using the VR game “Beat Saber” as a component of my exercises. But, I had not come across anyone who could confirm that Beat Saber is an ideal exercise for PD patients, so I wrote to the authors of the article. Below is their reply:
“Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of any scientific research that has studied the effects of Beat Saber on Parkinson’s Disease. However, I am well-acquainted with the game, having tried it personally. I believe it is an excellent choice for the rehabilitation of complex motor-cognitive situations, as it requires precise upper body movements combined with balance and dodging mechanics, all while performing an attentive cognitive task. It is also an entertaining and motivational training modality, which is well-suited to Parkinsons Disease rehabilitation. So, even though no scientific research has been conducted (to my knowledge) on the specific effects Beat Saber may have on the rehabilitation of Dual Tasking in Parkinsons Disease, I personally believe it meets all the criteria necessary for effective technological rehabilitation in this context.
I hope I have addressed your concerns regarding this topic.
Kind regards,
Pere Bosch-Barceló
As more patients become familiar with virtual reality, this information might turn out to be valuable. If any of you have been using Beat Saber as part of your exercises, how has it been going for you?
Background Treadmill gait training has been shown to improve gait performance in People with Parkinson’s Disease (PwPD), and in combination with Virtual Reality, it can be an effective tool for gait rehabilitation. The addition of gamification elements can create a … Continue reading
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