• donna-r-m

    July 15, 2021 at 3:26 pm


    My father had Essential Tremors. When I started experiencing tremors the MDS ordered a DATSCAN. The scan said my dopamine was fine, I wasn’t exhibiting any of the other symptoms, so it must be ET.

    We spent 18+ months trying meds for ET. None worked.

    Finally, put me on c/l, to treat me to symptoms instead of dx. Works great!

  • excalibur07

    July 20, 2021 at 9:37 am

    I have misdiagnosed during 10 years…

    My most-discomfort complaint was right whole leg pain and ache,

    a lot of examine by nourologist, EMG and MRI SCAN, during 10 years i searched my real diagnose !

    Docs says these were calling stucking nerve syndrome, meralgia paresthetica etc.
    after all, i sense bradykinesia my right hand’s fingers, diagnose was clear about PD.

    But i think these misdiagnoses give me 10 years free – without PD, i was lucky for that, i was upset and worry if i knew real diagnose

  • kevinon

    July 20, 2021 at 3:52 pm

    I was first diagnosed with MS.   Later APS, a clotting disorder similar to Lupus.  Then lastly with Parkinson’s.  The DAT scan confirmed it.   But MRI confirmed MS and blood tests confirmed APS.

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