Parkinson’s News Forums Forums Parkinson’s Treatment Diet and Exercise Have in-person Parkinson’s fitness classes re-opened in your community?

  • Have in-person Parkinson’s fitness classes re-opened in your community?

    Posted by Ally on March 15, 2022 at 8:49 pm

    Have in-person Parkinson’s fitness classes re-opened in your community? If they have, do you feel comfortable attending again, or are you waiting a bit longer? What kinds of precautions do they have in place to keep participants safe?

    If in-person fitness classes haven’t yet re-opened, how are you staying active on your own at home?

    Marlene Donnelly replied 2 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Krukar

    March 15, 2022 at 9:37 pm

    Hi Ally,

    I began my journey with Parkinson’s 8/2020. Right in the middle of the Pandemic. I use on-line exercise routines that I do on my deck in Sedona, Arizona. Particularly I use an LSVT routine and several other balance and exercise routines. Every 2 weeks I get a 1 hour massage, we also have an exercise bike on our deck that I use when my wife does her routine. We also walk lots.

    Parkinson’s has really forced me to do some targeted exercise which are more consistent than before.   Blessings, Mike









    • Emily Hoffman

      March 17, 2022 at 2:38 pm

      The are  open. I take/took Big and Loud. I improved in each class.

  • Marlene Donnelly

    March 17, 2022 at 9:31 pm

    Though I haven’t taken PD fitness classes, I have been taking T’ai Chi, Yoga, and Arthritis Exercise classes, all geared for seniors, and all have been a help.  None are back in person yet, but they all are on Zoom – same instructors at the same times and days.  I use my guest bedroom for these classes, and have been able to keep going throughout the pandemic.

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