Forum Replies Created

  • Susanne Rheault

    February 12, 2021 at 3:24 pm in reply to: skiing

    Thanks all for your encouraging notes. With your encouragement I just got back out on my cross-country skis this afternoon. I wasn’t very fast but I could still do it! I’m not yet ready to try any steep hills that’s for sure but maybe that will come with time

  • Susanne Rheault

    February 10, 2021 at 11:28 am in reply to: skiing

    Thank you Karen for your most encouraging note. I have been feeling that I have done nothing but give up things that I love and Nordic skiing is the last that I really want to hang onto. Right now in New England we’ve got a foot and 1/2 of snow and I just bought a  new pair of cross-country ski boots.  I need some guidance or coaching about how to manage my balance which seems totally  out of whack so I feel very wobbly on my skis. Otherwise athletically I’m doing quite well dancing, walking and doing Pilates so I’d love to feel that cross-country skiing is still an option for me. Do you have any ideas about how best to approach finding a coach or similar? Thanks so much for your support,




  • Susanne Rheault

    January 1, 2022 at 12:43 pm in reply to: Walking/Bumping into objects

    I bump into things all the time, bruising my upper thighs for the most part. My neurologist says that this is a visual spatial issue that often comes up for Parkinson’s patients. It also shows up in my absolute inability to park the car. I no longer can judge how long the car is or  how wide so my parking is crazy.  Ultimately this inability to “see” things out of my direct range of site is making me a less safe driver. I dread losing my license so I try and go slow and avoid high-speed highways. Anyone else feeling this creeping dread?