Forum Replies Created

  • Mary Evslins

    November 8, 2022 at 4:13 pm in reply to: Clonazapan

    I took Clonazapam so that I would not act out my dreams and hit and yell in my sleep. I have REM sleep disorder and it helped a lot.

    It, however, made me too sleepy during the next day so my doctor switched me to Lorazepam which is not so long lasting and helps only a little less with the sleep issues.

  • Mary Evslins

    February 3, 2022 at 2:19 pm in reply to: Do you have theories about why you have Parkinsons?

    As a teenager I had acne. My dermatologist used the newest technology to improve it. He sat me in a small room with an apron over my breasts and reproductive organs and then blasted me and my brain, with xray waves for I think 10 minutes a month for a year or so.

    That could be the cause of my recently detected PD.   Mary

  • Mary Evslins

    October 21, 2021 at 2:24 pm in reply to: Do you take melatonin for sleep disturbances?

    I was diagnosed with REM sleep disorder 6+ years ago and am about to get a scan to see about a PD diagnosis. I am very vocal at night. I talk yell, shout and flail and punch. Once I almost bit my husband. I was so humiliated. I tried 20 mg of melatonin for a month. It helps a little but not much. Clonazepam puts me to sleep all night and keeps me pretty quite. I don’t know if induced sleep is of the same quality as natural sleep. Does anyone?

    Also my husband has learned to be a defensive sleeper. He used to roll over and try to put his arms around me to soothe me. Problem was that I was dreaming of a bad guy,animal, thing coming toward me and then its arms were holding me down. I was asleep but fought like I was being murdered. Not a good thing. Now he stays on his side of the bed and reach an arm over to my shoulder and taps it saying, “You are all right.” Much safer. Since I am a sleep, I don’t remember anything. I am just glad he is ok. RBD is much worse on a sleeping partner than for the person who has it.