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  • Karla

    August 24, 2023 at 4:48 pm in reply to: Do you have theories about why you have Parkinsons?


    My father was a registered nurse anesthetist and was on call frequently throughout his career. His sleep cycle was constantly interrupted. I remember him going into work at 2 am on a regular basis. He developed Parkinson’s at 62 years old. I was a Recovery Room nurse and also did call work for most of my career. I didn’t have a full week with sound sleep for decades. Getting up for a full 10 hour day of work after having interrupted sleep just became a way of life. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at 60. I have 3 siblings, all older than me and none of  them show any signs or symptoms of developing Parkinson’s. None of them have jobs that require night work, rotating shifts or call work.  I feel pretty confident that the disrupted sleep cycles my father and I shared contributed to our  development of Parkinson’s.