Have you heard of the theory that PD is caused by vascular disorder in the brain?
Zhittya is a biotech company. They published a white paper dated 7/18/2017. Below is an extract from that paper.
“Zhittya Regenerative Medicine Inc. is developing a portfolio of drugs based on the biological
growth factor, FGF-1. This protein is a potent inducer of new blood vessel growth (angiogenesis)
and has shown great promise in treating a number of medical disorders characterized by a lack of
blood perfusion, including coronary artery disease, diabetic foot ulcers and peripheral artery
disease. In animal models of stroke, FGF-1 has also demonstrated potent neurotrophic properties
and the ability to act as a survival factor for brain neurons.
A review of the medical literature supports the potential role for FGF-1 to be a new breakthrough
treatment for Parkinson’s disease. As detailed in this paper, a number of studies conducted in
animal models of Parkinson’s disease indicate that FGF-1 can stimulate the regeneration of
dopamine-producing cells in the brain leading to an improvement in the classical Parkinson’s
disease symptoms that these animals display.”This company had a one page ad in the Rock Steady Boxing quarterly publication that attracted my attention. They are hoping to start clinical trials in 2019. I find this information and new approach to treating PD fascinating. Here is a youtube link with more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEO9MwWCPQ0&t=4s
What do you think about what Zhittya has to say?
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