• Posted by Ally on November 10, 2020 at 11:56 am

    One of Parkinson’s News Today’s columnists, Sherri Woodbridge, has been through a lot recently. She nearly lost her home in the wildfires that ravaged the United States’ west coast a few months ago, and then her older brother passed away unexpectedly. She wrote about her experience with grief in our column, and I recorded it as a flash briefing, which you can listen to here.

    Grief and loss are such excruciating emotions, in my experience. I lost my best friend 3 years ago in a horrific tragedy and I still feel like someone is wrenching at my heart with a cold vice grip on a daily basis whenever I think about her (which is often). I dread losing my parents, brothers, partner and friends one day — even my cat. Although I have a strong faith in God and I believe there is life after death, thinking about death and dying freaks me out and makes me feel super anxious. The pandemic has only made those feelings worse.

    How do you cope with thoughts and feelings related to death and grieving? Do you ever think about your own death and how does that make you feel?

    Ally replied 4 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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