Parkinsons and toluene.
Is solvent or chemical exposure a possible cause for your Parkinsons, and do adjuvant therapies offer any benefits for you compared to CD/LD alone?<div>
I know it’s hard to find a causal link to Parkinsons. Hard enough in fact to prove a link exists, let alone to say “That’s why I have Parkinson’s!” with any degree of confidence…
. .. and yes I know what Ned Stark said about “everything before the but”…
I was exposed to Toluene in my early career (and how – I worked in a low celinged laboratory with no air circulation or extraction and 600ml beakers of toluene simmering away on a water bath for ~8hrs a day). It also seems to be the case for me that whilst carbidopa/levodopa has worked well for me for the last eight years, the adjuvant therapies (Ropinirole, Opicapone, etc) have never done anything, or possibly even aggravated symptoms such as dyskinesia.
I realise a question on a Web forum is never going to make it as peer reviewed research…but hey, it’s 0211 am, and the damn dyskinesia, which I am blaming the Ongentys for, is driving me daft!
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