Parkinson’s News Forums Forums Bionews Content 30 Days of Parkinson’s Day 24 of #30DaysOfPD: My Aunt Is a Living Legend

  • Day 24 of #30DaysOfPD: My Aunt Is a Living Legend

    Posted by Jessie Madrigal Fletcher on April 25, 2022 at 8:25 pm

    This is Jessie M.F.’s story… actually, that’s me! I have 10 aunts, four on the British side of my family, six on the Spanish side. Among my Spanish aunts, one of them is particularly special. I know her as “Mari”, although her real name is Victoria.

    My aunt was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease a couple of years ago. And while the #30DaysOf PD project is my excuse to write about her, being a Parkinson’s patient is neither a label she wants, nor is it one you think of when you know her.

    She taught me how healing it is to wear bright lipstick or to dress up when the world seems against you. She is the embodiment of resilience and living life fully.  I am so proud of her. I know she struggles sometimes, but I hope she knows that so many of us continue to admire and respect the woman she has become.

    So, that’s my aunt… she’s pretty iconic.

    Now back to our PD Community: Is there anyone with Parkinson’s disease, that you admire?

    To read the rest of my story, and find out why my aunt is a true force of nature, click here.

    Our #30DaysOfPD initiative is running for the entire month of April. Each day, we are featuring a different story, and a different view of life with PD. To read all of the stories, visit our website.

    Mary Beth Skylis replied 2 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Mary Beth Skylis

    April 26, 2022 at 1:12 pm

    Jessie, thank you for sharing. I like to remind myself to embrace that mentality, too. I’m not much of a makeup wearer, but on my bad days, I try to spice up my outfits or do something that makes me feel more confident.

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