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  • Michelle Noble

    March 5, 2023 at 9:19 pm in reply to: Naturopathic Treatment of PD

    Hi! I am new to the PD forums, and this will be my first time to post. I was clinically diagnosed with PD in October 2016.  My PD is left side dominant and at this time doesn’t seem to affect my right side.  My issues have been rigidity, walking gait, and control of balance or loss of balance whichever the case may be. In July of 2022 I started taking glutathione infusions.  I feel like I have benefitted greatly from these infusions. Prior to starting these infusions tripping and loss of balance resulted in nose plants to the floor, I could not wiggle my toes on my left foot into a flip flop, I couldn’t scrub my head with my left hand when washing my hair because of diminished range of motion, walking across uneven terrain was difficult, and to turn around had to be done very slowly and controlled.  Since beginning these infusions, I have reversed many of these issues.  I can put a flip flop on my left foot now, I regained my range of motion in my left arm so I can scrub my head when washing my hair and I haven’t had a nose plant because my balance has gotten so much better.  I chose not to tell my PD doctor when I started the infusions but will be seeing him this month and will be sharing with him my glutathione infusions and how I believe they have helped me.  My pain doctor’s clinic offers an infusion lab, so I have access to other infusions if I want.  Besides what I feel it has done for my PD, glutathione offers these benefits as well: Powerful antioxidant/reduces oxidative stress; anti-aging benefits; anti-inflammatory benefits; improves insulin resistance; improves circulation; breaks down toxins & cancer-causing substances; disease prevention just to name a few from their glutathione information sheet.  But the most important piece of information from their glutathione sheet is REDUCES SYMPTOMS OF PARKINSON’S WITH REGULAR INFUSIONS.  I hope this has been helpful for those of you who are exploring alternative treatments for PD.  I do not know if there have been any peer review studies on glutathione and PD, but I learned of this alternative treatment from Dr. Perlmutter.  He has a Utube video showing a PD patient he was treating with glutathione. I believe he is a neurologist in Florida. The results are amazing to watch.  If you enter his name with Parkinson’s you should be able to pull up the video I am referencing.  I am sure there are a lot of doctors who would see this as “voodoo” medicine. but for me personally it is helping my PD symptoms or at least some of them anyway.