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  • My husband has a plate guard to stop him pushing food off his plate. Also a particular shape of glass \_/ which he finds easier to drink from. They have a heavy base and embossed bees on the sides which help too as they are less likely to slip (bought from Waitrose/John Lewis). He also has a travel mug which opens all round – difficult to explain – search for Circular & Co leakproof mug to see what I mean. He found the ones with a single opening difficult but he does also have eyesight problems so this is more relevant for him. The Alexas we have in most rooms enables him to call me without pushing buttons. Sky remotes now have voice activation but as he couldn’t see where the button was we super glued a “nurdle” onto it. He has a bed loop to help him sit up and a whole host of OT equipment. His trousers have velcro closers as do his shoes. We also have Snoozle slide sheets for the bed and car – brilliant to help with moving. I am sure we have other things but all the above have helped. Xxx