Parkinson’s News Forums Forums Awareness and Advocacy Toxic Exposure at Military Bases

  • Toxic Exposure at Military Bases

    Posted by DaveM on April 16, 2024 at 6:20 pm

    There has been a link between exposure to PFAS and other toxic chemicals
    and diseases such as Parkinson’s and cancers like Non-Hodgkin’s
    Lymphoma. Many years ago I had 8 weeks of Army Basic Training at Ft.
    Campbell, Kentucky and 8 weeks of Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at
    Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. High level of PFAS chemicals have been found at
    these 2 bases and they have been around since the 1950s. Over 25 years
    ago I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, over 20 years ago I was
    diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, and 6 years ago I was diagnosed with
    Parkinson’s. What are the odds? Especially since there is no family
    history of cancer or Parkinson’s, and I am someone who kept physically
    fit, watched my weight, etc. I especially remember being at Ft. Campbell
    in July and August of 1971 when the heat and humidity was extreme, so
    we all were sweating bullets and drank tons of (contaminated) water
    every day. Is there any kind of compensation I would be entitled to? A
    complicating factor is that I am not considered a military veteran
    because I served in the Army National Guard. I’m not sure how to
    proceed, if at all. Call the VA, call a Morgan & Morgan?

    Suz replied 1 month, 2 weeks ago 8 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Edward Fritz

    April 21, 2024 at 5:51 pm

    Hi Dave.

    I’m in the process of filing a disability claim with the VA for my Parkinson’s. The USAF base I was assigned to was and still is designated as a Superfund Site, meaning there are serious toxicity issues the government is working to clean up. I’m using a company that is certified by the VA to file and represent me in this process. I served and still live in the Phoenix, AZ area. One of the Community Services reps at the Muhammed Ali Parkinson’s Center referred me to these people who now represent me. The claim was filed in December 2023 and the VA has acknowledged receipt of the paperwork. My rep informed me that it normally takes the VA 6 months on average to review the claim. In case the claim is denied (which they say is not unusual) my representative will file an appeal for further review.

    Check with any Parkinson’s organizations in your area to see if they can refer you to someone like this who can evaluate your situation and file a claim for you if you would like them to.

    Feel free to follow up with me if you need any help.

    • DaveM

      April 23, 2024 at 3:39 pm

      Thanks for the response and offer to help, Edward. Just this morning I sent a letter (basically a modified version of my post) to my town’s Veteran Service Officer, who also happens to be my town’s Disability Access Director. I’ve previously contacted him in that capacity in order to get an accommodation for attending our Town Meetings. I’ll see if I get a response and take it from there.

  • Tom1959

    April 24, 2024 at 5:58 am

    I spent 4 months at Ft McCellen Alabama in the summer of 1977 and was diagnosed in 2015 with PD. I have a suit pending with the VA for the past 3 years. Not sure if I will prevail.

    Many tons of Agent Orange and other highly volatile substances like uranium and nerve gas were stored at Fort McClellan before being used extensively in the Vietnam War to wipe out vegetation and foliage, exposing thousands of service members and civilians to the chemical and causing lasting damage.

    Feel free to contact me –


    • DaveM

      April 24, 2024 at 2:14 pm

      Thanks Tom. I’m waiting to see if I get a response from my town’s Veteran Service Officer. My concern with regards to the VA is that, as I mentioned in my post, I am technically not considered a veteran. When you serve in the Army National Guard, unless your unit gets activated, you don’t accumulate active duty days.

  • Chuck Galloway

    April 25, 2024 at 5:00 pm

    You need to file a claim with the VA under the PACT act. I was a tank mechanic for 14 years, starting in 1981, exposed to parts cleaner that had trichloroethylene in it, that is linked to PD. As are many other chemicals. I was just diagnosed 4 years ago. The PACT act was approved for veterans exposed to different chemicals, but the deadline to apply for it is coming up, I believe in August of this year. You need to apply right away. I hired a lawyer, and yes they take money but I am a rated 100% ,so it was worth it. Took almost 2 years to get approved. But it will go from date of your intent to file. Call the VA and you can do it over the phone, the intent to file. Then you have 6 months to file. GET A LAWYER! trying to get all the right forms, yo the right people, at the right times is a pain.

    • DaveM

      April 28, 2024 at 9:35 am

      Thanks Chuck. I’m waiting to see if I get a response from my Veteran Service Officer, then decide on how to proceed. I looked at the PACT Act but didn’t see my specific exposure listed there. Nonetheless, that won’t stop me from trying to push this since I have nothing to lose but a lot to gain.

  • Barry hester

    April 30, 2024 at 10:58 pm

    I’ve been banging on about this for years and was a member of aero toxic syndrome group which was big in the US but was debunked.I worked for an airline for 20 yrs as a ground engineer and was constantly in contact with Skydrol.At 63 I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s ,at 74 with Prostate cancer and at 75 started having seizures. Is it a coincidence that my dad worked in the same industry,doing the same job, also developed PD and prostate cancer. The Parkinson’s group I attend also has several members who were in the forces or worked for airlines. Too much of a coincidence but no one is taking any notice.

  • sig

    August 14, 2024 at 6:23 am

    I was also diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s and have zero family history. I was also at Fort Sill as well as Ft Knox, Benning, and Lewis and a few other.

    Ft Sill is a superfund site and the ground water has a massive PFAS contamination.

    Here is a report on it the Army did for Sill.

    Would you please tell me where you lived at Sill and what was your job? If I remember correctly we used PFAS chemicals to clean tracks.

    • Aretha Morce

      August 28, 2024 at 3:55 pm

      In 108 pages I will believe there’s something bad in that report, maybe I’ll read it when I happen to have some free time, but it’s crazy detailed in there

  • Suz

    August 29, 2024 at 5:38 pm

    Hi Amanda,

    Since the successful class action suit at Camp LeJeune awhile back, PERHAPS there is now some wiggle room for help, at least in your case. Some of the unsuccessful tactics I tried over time, below, may be treated differently at this time. There has been a lot more public scrutiny via the press on this type of issue.

    My sister, Connie, is in the same boat as you. She was not in the military either, but was one of 647 woman who joined the American Red Cross and went to serve our soldiers in Vietnam. She was based in Nha Trang which reportedly stored Agent Orange and has been designated a “high spray area”. She was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 1992.

    Once the Govt. was finally coerced into accepting responsibility for the medical damage done to our soldiers, Connie contacted a lawyer (years ago). He worked for some time but had to stop, because he couldn’t get paid unless he won a settlement for her. He was putting in too much time for naught.

    More years passed and I saw the Govt.’s “presumptive list” when it came out. i.e. Ff you were exposed to Agent Orange and if you had one of the many maladies found to be caused by Agent Orange, you did not have to “prove” your illness was from that. It was automatically presumed that’s what caused it.

    I was determined to get my sister the same compensation our soldiers were receiving. I tried Morgan and Morgan about 3-4 years ago-they turned down the offer to represent her. I contacted the Ombudsman for the American Red Cross, the Director of the American Red Cross, Marco Rubio and Ron DeSantis. Marco Rubio’s staff researched phone numbers for me, for the Red Cross, and contacted me later to check on progress. The other’s were of no help.

    I was able to find several other Red Cross/Vietnam women as well. I was told many had Parkinson’s and all the other maladies Agent Orange delivers. None had been successful getting assistance. There weren’t enough of them to have the “deep pockets” necessary sway the Govt. via a class action suit, or to produce an outcry in the public.

    The issue: I read one Govt. meeting synopsis, on-line, RE: it would be too expensive to compensate those affected while in the military PLUS the tangential people affected, like you and my sister. Not officially military……. no dice.

    Who knows, perhaps there are enough of you local folks to weigh in and get some help. I sure hope so.

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