• Barry Block

    August 25, 2022 at 2:12 pm

    I recommend that if the current medicine is working, don’t mess with it. I tried changing my Sinemet CR to Stalevo and wound up with diarrhea. It’s often better to increase dosage rather than to change. Also note that medicines such has Sinemet cannot be taken with meals, particularly with protein-based foods as they interfere with brain-barrier absorption..

  • Rick Tabakin

    August 25, 2022 at 3:30 pm

    I don’t think that there is any set schedule for changing meds.  Rather, the doctor determines the extent to which the existing meds are working/not working and any new or continuing issues.  If the meds are doing their job, no changes are likely needed.  If the meds are not working, then the doctor may increase the frequency or dosage, supplement with additional meds, or replace the meds completely.  The key issue is to visit the doctor and discuss your situation.


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