Parkinson’s News Forums Forums Bionews Content 30 Days of Parkinson’s Day 29 of #30DaysofPD: How Parkinson’s Affects the Body’s Dopamine Levels

  • Day 29 of #30DaysofPD: How Parkinson’s Affects the Body’s Dopamine Levels

    Posted by Kevin Schaefer on April 29, 2022 at 3:50 pm

    This is Brian Reedy’s story.

    Brian writes about how living with PD is more complicated than most people realize. In particular, he shares how a lack of dopamine affects people with Parkinson’s. It affects communication and the part of the brain that produces the “feel-good factor” in daily life.

    Here’s an excerpt, “Your personality may have been positive and upbeat, but now you no longer feel that way naturally. It’s difficult for you to improve your mood. Your apathy makes it difficult to motivate yourself to start your normal routine. Instead, you have an overwhelming sense of sadness that sticks with you throughout the day, and the many days that follow.”

    Can you relate?

    Parkinson’s News Today’s 30 Days of PD campaign will publish one story per day for Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month in April. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more stories like this, using the hashtag #30DaysofPD, or read the full series.

    Kevin Schaefer replied 2 years, 8 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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