Parkinson’s News Forums Forums Bionews Content 30 Days of Parkinson’s Day 23 of #30DaysOfPD: My Greatest Resource Is the Parkinson’s Community

  • Day 23 of #30DaysOfPD: My Greatest Resource Is the Parkinson’s Community

    Posted by Jessie Madrigal Fletcher on April 25, 2022 at 6:45 pm

    Lynne Sweilem was born with a perpetually positive outlook and resiliency. When it came time to choose a career, she decided to become a speech pathologist. She knew she had found her calling — treating people with Parkinson’s disease. Lynne became the Parkinson’s specialist in her department at work.

    Then, things changed: she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Her purpose-driven life seemed over.

    That was seven years ago. Gradually Lynne’s positive outlook has returned. Hope drives her. It is what gives Lynne the motivation to exercise, eat well, prioritize sleep, and keep on going. Also, being in the Parkinson’s community and sharing with others has helped her so much.

    Lynne, you are the embodiment of true resilience!

    Now back to our PD Community: What gives you hope?

    To read the rest of Lynne’s story, and learn what else helps her each day, click here.

    Our #30DaysOfPD initiative is running for the entire month of April. Each day, we are featuring a different story, and a different view of life with PD. To read all of the stories, visit our website.

    Jessie Madrigal Fletcher replied 2 years, 10 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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