Parkinson’s News Forums Forums Living ​With​ ​Parkinson’s Cognitive changes and caring for someone with Parkinson’s disease

  • Cognitive changes and caring for someone with Parkinson’s disease

    Posted by Forum Moderator on July 4, 2018 at 6:29 pm

    In the third installment of her “ABCs of Parkinson’s Disease” series, Sherri Woodbridge writes about the cognitive changes the disease causes, as well as how to stay healthy when you’re caregiving for someone with Parkinson’s disease.

    Click here to read more from Sherri. 

    Have you noticed any of the “invisible” cognitive changes Sherri talks about? If you are a caregiver, did you find this article helpful?

    replied 6 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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