Parkinson’s News Forums Forums Parkinson’s Research Can a smartphone app help detect Parkinson’s Disease?

  • Can a smartphone app help detect Parkinson’s Disease?

    Posted by Forum Moderator on June 13, 2018 at 7:57 am

    Early detection of Parkinson’s Disease is critical, so Europeans are testing a solution designed to develop a set of technology-based solutions for the early detection of the disease. One of these solutions is the iPrognosis mobile app, which non-intrusively collects behavioral data obtained from users’ natural interaction with their smartphones or other smart devices. The goal is to capture information that could be linked to early symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.

    Read more here: Smartphone App Designed to Help Early Detection of Parkinson’s Disease

    What do you think about this news? How do you feel about using smartphone technology to detect diseases like Parkinson’s?

    replied 6 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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