Parkinson’s News Forums Forums Living ​With​ ​Parkinson’s Diagnosis​ ​Information​ ​and​ ​General​ ​Questions Prior to being diagnosed with PD, were you an athlete? Do you view this as a blessing or a curse or both? Or, if you were not an athlete, do you view that as a blessing or a curse or both?

  • Prior to being diagnosed with PD, were you an athlete? Do you view this as a blessing or a curse or both? Or, if you were not an athlete, do you view that as a blessing or a curse or both?

    Posted by Deleted User on June 13, 2018 at 9:30 am

    Although not a professional, I trained as a dancer for over 30 years. In addition, for many years I was a cyclist, racewalker and trained with weights. I believe my athletic background has been both a blessing and a curse.  A blessing, because I firmly believe I have developed some muscle memory that has helped me with my balance and stamina.  A curse because I realize how much I have lost.

    replied 6 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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