Forum Replies Created

  • Chuck Galloway

    April 25, 2024 at 5:00 pm in reply to: Toxic Exposure at Military Bases

    You need to file a claim with the VA under the PACT act. I was a tank mechanic for 14 years, starting in 1981, exposed to parts cleaner that had trichloroethylene in it, that is linked to PD. As are many other chemicals. I was just diagnosed 4 years ago. The PACT act was approved for veterans exposed to different chemicals, but the deadline to apply for it is coming up, I believe in August of this year. You need to apply right away. I hired a lawyer, and yes they take money but I am a rated 100% ,so it was worth it. Took almost 2 years to get approved. But it will go from date of your intent to file. Call the VA and you can do it over the phone, the intent to file. Then you have 6 months to file. GET A LAWYER! trying to get all the right forms, yo the right people, at the right times is a pain.

  • Chuck Galloway

    August 24, 2023 at 9:12 am in reply to: Do you have theories about why you have Parkinsons?

    I was Tank systems mechanic in the Army, 1980-92. We used trichloroethylene as a parts cleaner. It is/was one of the same chemicals linked to the Camp Lejune suits. I used to get drenched it that stuff cleaning various parts. Had it in my eyes and mouth too. Had to clean out the parts washer a few times also. It was in the air, evaporating all thru shop. We now know how bad this chemical is. I currently have a suit against the VA, but so far they have only recognized Camp Lejune members. We are hoping to change that!
    I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at age 56 just turned 60