Forum Replies Created

  • Ronald Redmon

    June 29, 2022 at 11:58 am in reply to: Who are you in relation to your person with Parkinson’s?

    Greetings everyone. So glad to have found this site and this forum. I am the caregiver to my husband, 76, who was diagnosed with PD within the last couple of months. At this point, minimal symptoms (e.g., hand tremor, some balance issues, fatigue), though we suspect he has had this for a few years undetected, which seems to be a common theme. We live in our own home, fortunately we’re both retired, and have a loving and attentive son and daughter-in-law in Atlanta (3 hours away). He just started on Sinimet and is tolerating it well, thus far. My principal job right now is to get educated and prepared for whatever is coming. There is strength in community, and where there is strength there is hope. Best wishes to all of you.