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  • maureen

    November 30, 2019 at 4:03 pm in reply to: Is anyone noticing hair loss?

    I am my husband, of 50 plus years, caretaker. I noticed his thick hair started thinning when he was about 60.He is now 74. He also lost much muscle mass and grew a round belly. Up to that time he was a well muscled, incredibly able and coordinated tradesman. He also started losing his vigor around the same time and began falling. All of which was misdiagnosed as old age by his primary. Only after asserting myself very strongly did I get a MRI done that showed moderate atrophy. I also showed her video of him seizing up. So, now we are on our newest journey together. Regarding his hair loss, his scalp also got very crusty and he got rashes on his body that itch. He now used a dandriff shampoo, whcih helps and it seems some of his hair has come back and at least he is not losing it at the same rate.
    Interestingly, my husband, Bruce, is in a much beter mood now that he understands why he has been feeling so poorly for so long and his workouts had not been helping his “old age” condition. Especially, since I had no such old age symptoms and we are the same age. Up until his early 60’s we hiked, biked and canoed regularly and he was a builder and a projects guy. His lack of interest and motivation became evident, but it appeared he was simply becoming lazy, which didn’t seem to fit his MO. Finally,I became convinced it was neurological…I just had to convince his doctor to do some research. We now have a new diagnosis and a new path to walk together.