Forum Replies Created

  • I worked as a neonatal nurse. Loved my job. I worked for a total of 39 years,seeing the care of these fragile infants advance as technology advanced. The environment is fast paced and you had to keep up with it. I was trained place long term intravenous access in the smallest of infants. That’s when I discovered that something was not quite right with me. I noticed that the left side of my body has tremors. I couldn’t attribute it to being nervous because I was one of the nurses that the doctors requested. So speaking with my PCP, she referred me to my neurologist. So in January of 2018, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I retired about 2 years after my diagnosis because I found it difficult to keep up with the pace and the stress of the job exacerbated my symptoms.

  • Deborah Moore

    August 1, 2023 at 8:37 pm in reply to: Which Parkinson’s symptom bothers you the most?

    I hate the cramping of muscles, the constipation that I suffer from. I’m having more frequent off times. Also sleep disturbances, waking up in the middle of the night. Hate it!

  • I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2018. I was neonatal nurse and had the responsibility of 3-4 infants. As I progressed with my symptoms, I decided to retire in July of 2020. I noticed that I wasn’t as dexterous as I once was, and the stress of the job exacerbated my symptoms. I wish I could of stayed on, but I had to do what was best for me.

  • I was diagnosed with PD in January 2018. I silently suffer from blurred vision, constipation for which I take miralax. I started having swallowing problems, but haven’t choked on food. I have hammer toe of my left great toe for which I get botox injections. I have dry skin, dry mouth which I associate with the Rytary that I take. I also have some feelings that I don’t know that could go along with Parkinson’s. Some times I feel tight sensations in my chest and abdomen. I do take lisinopril. Does any one else feel strange sensations?