William R
Name | William |
Last Name | R |
Nickname | William R |
Gender | Male |
Relationship | Patient |
Short Bio | I haveĀ had Parkinson’s Disease for since the spring of 2013 . Freezing of gait and postural instability are my two biggest gripes. I am a retired physician. I do not have external tremors, but I have been told by my neurologist that I have internal tremors ( they never mentioned that in med school!). I have a most wonderful wife who is very supportive and yet keeps me honest about my symptoms (it is true that physicians make the worst patients). I am blessed with a wonderful family. Our two grandsons especially are great in that they want to visit, take me fishing, and are very protective of me. Our grand daughter just graduated from medical school and is starting a residency in internal medicine specializing as a hospitalist. She started on July 1st in the coronavirus ward. I have to say she is much smarter than me. My wife and I share our home with 3 dogsĀ ages 18 years to 6 years. They help keep me active. |
How did you hear about us? | Parkinson's News Today Newsletter |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had PD? | since 2013 |
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