Hello id like to correspond with you regarding the light therapy trials you participated in. There is not a trial available to me but I can purchase the equipment for 2500. Trying to see if that would be a good thing to do. Thx
Don replied to the discussion Clinical Trials in the forum Living With Parkinson's 5 months ago
I have participated in 5 or 6 clinical trails including levedopa effects on cognition, MRI scans and most significantly photobiomodulation.
The light therapy using a Symbyx helmet and hand held laser seems to have made a marked difference with my neurologist commenting on my improvement, so much so that a tremor is about the only apparent…
Don replied to the discussion What research are you most excited about right now? in the forum Parkinson’s Treatment 11 months ago
What research are you most excited about right now?
I am participating in a Flinders University in South Australia year long double blind trial of light therapy units, both helmet type and hand held on the gut. Results should be available later this year.
My participation is nearing the end and seems to be having a positive effect – hopefully it is not the placebo effect!
Don posted an update a year ago
Is there anymore information availalbe about the vibrating gloves seen in the media early this year?
Don replied to the discussion Neupro transdermal patch in the forum Alternative Treatments 2 years ago
I was prescribed Neupro patches early in my PD journey but was unable to tell whether it was effective so am unable to recommend it.
However, I am amazed at the price difference for the patches in the US compared with here in Australia. Both country’s patches are made in Germany but US has packs of 30 whereas Australia has 28. That does… Read more
Don replied to the discussion Are you part of a Parkinson’s support group? in the forum Living With Parkinson's 2 years ago
Are you part of a Parkinson’s support group?
I attend a monthly PD group meeting, sometimes with a neighbour, and find the guest speakers interesting and/or worthwhile. It is good interacting with fellow attendees after the speakers but sometimes I wish I drank tea or coffee as tap water is the only alternative!
Don replied to the discussion MRI guided Focussed Ultrasound (MRgFUS) in the forum Alternative Treatments 2 years ago
MRI guided Focussed Ultrasound (MRgFUS)
Thanks Matt and Emily for your info re MRgFUS being a unilateral treatment.
Don replied to the discussion Non-Motor Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease in the forum Symptoms and Progression 2 years ago
Non-Motor Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease
I feel very fortunate in having no depression nor anxiety but after reading Gale’s reply breathlessness that I have attributed to asthma may be PD. Is it another of the myriad of symptoms?
Don replied to the discussion MRI guided Focussed Ultrasound (MRgFUS) in the forum Alternative Treatments 2 years ago
MRI guided Focussed Ultrasound (MRgFUS)
Thanks Fred for your response. You said the procedure was successful for your right hand without mentioning whether your left was similarly helped. MattR’s response suggests that MRgFUS is suitable only for one side only.
Thank you for your responses.
Don started the discussion MRI guided Focussed Ultrasound (MRgFUS) in the forum Alternative Treatments 2 years ago
MRI guided Focussed Ultrasound (MRgFUS)
I have only recently become aware of MRgFUS to treat PD. It appears to be a much less invasive treatment than Deep Brain Stimulation involving ultrasound focused by MRI to cauterise the PD affected part of the brain.
Has anyone experience of this treatment and, if so, what has been the result?
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