Short Bio |
diagnosed in 2010 @51. First symptoms toes would cramp or curl when running, then few months later right arm stopped moving when I walked. A boat load of symptoms over the years some would last a few months to a year and go away,? from increase in med or re-training the brain? example could not use right hand anymore to move the computer mouse around, learned to use the left hand, right hand came back now I can use both. I worked for 34 years as a Biologist discovering new insecticides @ Dupont and FMC. Any wounder I ended up with PD. Anyone ever sued a company for giving hem pd? 61 now just quit job could not do it anymore, med 4-5 times day and more at night. Lots of off time when I have a hard time walking.
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had PD? |
10 years