Name | Ive |
Nickname | ive |
Year of Birth | 1934 |
Gender | Male |
Location | Hrvatska (Croatia) Istra |
Relationship | Patient |
Short Bio | U mirovini sam 25 godina, PD mi je dijagnosticiram prije cca 2 godine. Još uvijek eksperimentiram sa lijekovima, uzimam MADOPAR-LEVODOPA, najnoviji NEUPRO-ROTIGOTIN FLASTER. Ostali simtoni PD mogu se trpiti, osim nemogućnosti hodanja. Sa mojom obitelji (2 sina sa suprugama i djecom) živi svaka obitelj u svojim susjednim kućama u malom mjestu kod poznatih turističkih destinacija: POREČKE RIVIJERE u Istri 60 km od Talijanske granice i Trsta. I have been retired for 25 years, I was diagnosed with PD about 2 years ago. I am still experimenting with medications, taking MADOPAR-LEVODOPA and MIRAPEXIN, and the latest NEUPRO-ROTIGOTIN PATCH. Other symptoms of PD can be tolerated, except the inability to walk. With my family (2 sons with wives and children) we live each family in their neighboring houses in a small town near a famous tourist destination: POREČ RIVIERA in Istria 60 km from the Italian border and Trieste. |
How did you hear about us? | Parkinson's News |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had PD? | 2 jahr |
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