Name | Autumn |
Nickname | Autumn |
Gender | Female |
Relationship | Patient |
Short Bio | I am 65 presently, and diagnosed with PD in 2017. My neurologist started me on AZILECT, and I believe that was the best thing he could have done. I believe it has slowed the progress of the PD, because I still have the same symptoms I had back in ’17! I have not been able to participate in any PD studies because I refuse to give up my meds and supplements, Nature Made B Complex and D3 1000 iu, Jarrow’s Bone up, MRM Bone Maximizer for the duration of the studies. I’ve had osteoporosis for quite a while, and the Bone Up and Bone Maximizer have REVERSED my osteoporosis. I have DEXA scan proof. Folks, our physicians and health care providers do what they know best and the best they can, but ultimately, our health is up to US. Don’t be afraid to PUSH if you are not getting issues resolved. Make sure you understand the lingo. If not, press for different verbiage like PLAIN English and not physician-speak. I’ve been a pharmacy technician for over 30 years and know we have to push sometimes. |
How did you hear about us? | Other |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had PD? | 2017 |
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use | I agree |