Forum Replies Created

  • Bob Glisson

    August 27, 2020 at 3:42 pm in reply to: Did you use Round Up Weed Killer?

    Yes, I have suspected all along that Roundup was the cause of my PD. There is no history of PD in my family.

    I used Roundup like mad at our previous home for 15 years or so, as Florida has a non-stop growing season. I, most certainly, over-exposed myself to this collection of toxic chemicals, and was diagnosed in 2013 at age 58.

  • Bob Glisson

    January 2, 2020 at 12:17 pm in reply to: Linda Ronstadt and PD affecting her voice

    You certainly can’t exercise your voice towards preventing vocal loss, if that is your fate. I’m sure no one worked on their voice more than Linda Ronstadt, yet she still ended up losing the ability to sing. PD is unique for everyone, though, and her problem may not be ours. I will say that the louder and more consistent I practice singing, the more it comes back to me. So, my new year’s resolution is to sing everyday, at a pretty good volume.

    Youtube has great, FREE, karaoke channels for you to practice to. Hook up some decent speakers to your laptop, or bluetooth your tablet to a wireless speaker and let it rip!!!

  • Bob Glisson

    December 28, 2019 at 4:10 pm in reply to: Linda Ronstadt and PD affecting her voice

    My voice is still reasonably good, but my guitar playing has been compromised, primarily due to my shaking picking hand. I’m still performing at small gigs occasionally, but I’m certainly not what I once was…